Wondered if anyone had any comments about a couple of 40-cent
PBs I picked up at our annual Children's Hospital Book Market
yesterday. Dagger of Flesh is a Gold Medal #k1425 by Richard
S. Prather that isn't part of the Shell Scott series. The
Schack Job is "an original X- rated Peter Chambers mystery"
by Henry Kane. Clearly the previous owner didn't like it
because he wrote "stupid, infantile" on the first page. That
was enough to make me buy it. Pickings weren't a good as
usual in the mystery and forty cent sections as the only
other mysteries I bought were few John D. MacDonalds to try
to upgrade my collection. But I'll be back later today. Also,
I couldn't resist a Manor PBO titled Billy Lives for the
colorful rock 'n roll cover and the blurb "music, sex, dope,
booze - what a way to go." The author is Gary Brandner.
Kent Morgan
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