I was also told that Jean Bruce, the French author of the
OSS117 series
(50¹s and 60¹s) was part of the French 2è¥ Bureau (French CIA
or M15) and/or Interpol as was other French author called
Pierre Nord who also worked a lot in BD (graphic novels) such
as his ³Terre d¹Angoisse-2è¥ Bureau contre Kommandantur² and
whose famous book ³Double Crime sur la Ligne Maginot² was
made into film...Pierre Nord was also involved in the
Steve novak...le montois de dé´²oit
On 11/18/04 12:46, "jimdohertyjr" <
jimdohertyjr@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Bill,
> Re your question below:
>> > Were there any other of our
>> > kind of writers who were involved with
> Besides those you and others have
> William F. Buckley, Jr., author of the Blackford
Oakes spy thrillers,
> was in the CIA briefly during the '50's, stationed
in Mexico. He
> also spent the last few months of WW2 doing some
kind of military
> intelligence work.
> John Le Carre, prior to writing his George Smiley
novels, was
> employed by the British Foreign Office and
reportedly was, at least
> marginally, involved in cloak and dagger
> Charles McCarry, author of the Paul Christopher spy
thrillers, was a
> CIA agent from 1958 to 1967.
> David Hagberg, who writes spy novels under both his
own name and as
> Sean Flannery, did his stint of Cold War military
duty as a
> cryptographer for US Air Force Intelligence. Before
hitting it
> relatively big with his Clancy-like
techno-thrillers, he broke into
> fiction, like our own Bill Crider, by writing Nick
Carter PBO's.
> I believe that David Weber, who also mines the Tom
Clancy fields, was
> also some kind of military intelligence
professional, but I'd have to
> check that.
> Ted Allbeury was an officer in British Army
Intelligence during WW2.
> So was Clive Egleton.
> I've heard that Gayle Lynds (Mrs. Michael Collins)
has also worked in
> some capacity for US Intelligence, but, again, I'm
not absolutely
> sure of that. Like Bill and Hagberg, Mrs. Lynds
first spy novels
> were Nick Carter PBO's. In addition to her own
stuff, she's recently
> been "completing" Robert Ludlum novels.
> During a three-year stint as a special agent in the
FBI's Chicago
> Field Office, Gordon Gordon (half of "the Gordons")
specialized in
> counter-intelligence work.
> Graham Ison, who I had the pleasure of meeting at
the Dagger ceremony
> last week, was a Detective Chief Superintendant in
the Special
> Branch, Scotland Yard's domestic counter-espionage
> That's off the top of my head.
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