RARA-AVIS: Dí¡ de los Muertos

From: Jim Beaver ( jumblejim@prodigy.net)
Date: 11 Aug 2004

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you, and I thank you. Thank you, whoever on this list recommended Kent Harrington's "Dí¡ de los Muertos." I just finished it and this was one of the best reads I've had in years. Hard-boiled as a steel baseball and it sure fits my definition of noir, too. Golly, can this guy write.

I looked for the book after someone here described the scene where Calhoun, bleeding from the eyes, heart pounding from a shot of horse amphs, has to muscle a 500-pound assassin strapped to a refrigerator dolly through the streets of Tijuana while being chased by the cops and local gangs. I thought any book with a scene like that deserved to be read, even if the rest didn't live up to it. But in my humble opinion, every scene in the book, in its own way, lived up to the promise of the teaser left here at Rara-Avis by some gentle soul.

Thanks, whoever you are. I hope I can return the favor as well some time.

Jim Beaver

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