RE: RARA-AVIS: Halo In Brass by Howard Browne: Robison

Date: 04 Aug 2004


Re your comment below:

> Thanks, Todd. I was fairly sure, from former posts,
> that Evans was a pseudonym, but I couldn't recall
> who it was.

John Evans was also the name of Chandler's PI character in the short story "No Crime in the Mountains," sometimes erroneously credited as one of the source short stories for his novel THE LADY IN THE LAKE.

Choosing a pen name from Chandler's ouvre may have been deliberate on Browne's part, for he made no bones about the fact that Paul Pine was directly and deliberately modeled on Marlowe. Indeed, Pine was one of the most slavish followers of the "Marlowe Paradigm." And, for all that, still one of the most enjoyable of all post-war PI characters.

If you enjoy Browne, I heartily recommend PORK CITY, an historical police procedural fictionalizing the real-life murder of Chicago TRIBUNE report Jake Lingle. The hero is another real-life character, DA's Investigator Pat Roche, who, in real life, was actually the lead detective on the case. Browne was particularly proud of this book, and justifiably so in my opinion.


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