In a message dated 7/12/04 8:38:54 AM, writes:
<< Was it you, John, who recently noted the connection
between Connelly and Chandler? I saw many parallel themes.
Although Bosch has a partner, he is still a loner like
Marlowe. Baiting the police, swimming against a tide of
corruption opposed to an honest investigation, failing any
lasting relationship with a woman, an obsession with
revealing the truth, and a brooding attitude bordering on
bathos are all shared between Marlowe and Bosch. The
satisfaction of being a do-gooder is juxtaposed against the
terrible burden of shattered dreams and detritus that are
revealed in the process. CITY OF BONES also trotted out the
standard Chandler theme that fame and fortune have somehow
been sacrificed for noble causes. >>
yeah, that was me. Connelly's Bosch always had a similar feel
without being an obvious stylistic copy. in LOST LIGHT
however, Bosch is now a private eye, written in the 1st
person rather than the 3rd, and in his internal musings about
the city and his place in it, Connelly's dropped all pretense
of who his muse is. I think he's done a great job over a fair
amount of time and books keeping his series compelling.
John Lau
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