You might always check at the following site which is a
(bookstore) specializing for many years in Polars (Romans
Policiers) run by Sté°¨ane Bourguoin who speaks perfect
english... It's called "Au Troisiè¥ Oeil" (The Third
The site has all the info you might want and you can send an
e-mail to Sté°¨ane for additional info...
Steve Novak French Polar fan living in Detroit
On 7/09/04 10:00, "Stewart Wilson" <> wrote:
> E.Borgers wrote:
>> But the result is stunning and very personal,
under this apparent
>> simplicity.
>> As I already said in the past here, he is one of
the greatest French
>> noir writers.
> While in France last November, I picked up three
Manchettes (TROIS
COUCHE), but only after
> going in to about 20 bookstores (mostly used). I was
very disappointed
> to find that almost none of the bookstore staff in
any of stores new who
> he was. The same was true of Malet. In the end, I
found copies in
> Paris at a FNAC and a Virgin (having checked other
FNAC and Virgins with
> no luck). I was surprised mostly because I was
expecting noir writers
> to be closer to the mainstream in French culture.
The used bookstores
> largest sections were usually mystery, and mostly
american and british
> books in translation.
> In the end, I'm at least happy to have found some of
his books, and I
> enjoyed the unexpected hunt, but my wife was none
too pleased about the
> continual bookstore excusions, when we were just
supposed to by enjoying
> our honeymoon.
> Cheers,
> --Stewart
> --
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