Jikogumon is the original title. Won the Palme d'Or at the
1954 Cannes Film Festival. This is the imdb URL: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0045935/
On Jul 6, 2004, at 21:01, Mario Taboada wrote:
> "The Gates of Hell (I don't think I ever knew what
> Japanese title was, and
> now I can't find it on IMDB...)>>
> I think it's been translated as "Gate of Hell". It's
> Kinugasa. One of the most beautiful color films ever
> Unfortunately, the version I have on VHS (I think it
> put out by Kino) has such dreadful and sparse
> that it's hard to follow the plot. Has Criterion
gotten to
> this one? It would be a prime candidate.
> Best,
> MrT
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