I slogged through to the end, but it was hard. This interview
really came across as a couple of friends with a tape
recorder and no editor.
Trevor's stance on morality doesn't even make much
"I see crime for profit as being a political thing. I don't
see it as a moral issue, I see it as a political issue. I see
it as a social issue. To some extent I guess morality plays
into it. It's hard to get into that."
Or his views on art for money:
"There are certain things that are mainstream. There's a
place for that. The problem with that is that in a capitalist
society like ours, everything becomes about how much money it
generates. If you're somebody like me, who thinks that art
serves a real purpose in society, maybe the highest purpose
in society, I think art, expression, philosophy, creativity,
really couldart." (obviously some sort of error here)
Then a bit later:
"I don't do things for their sake, because I enjoy them. Even
though I do enjoy it, but trying to get it published, trying
to make money there's gotta be an end if I'm gonna do it.
That part I hate. I despise it. It's incredibly
I'm not quite sure, but I think he's writing for the money,
only he's not making much yet. And he doesn't like other
people who make art for the money.
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