Michael Robison wrote:
>If I recall correctly, Max Collins is an
>prolific writer. My experience with that sorta
>is that the quality of the work often suffers.
>that the case with Collins?
I can't really say, since I won't read anything by him on the
basis of some terrible comic books he has written. In
particular the Ms. Tree series, of which I've read about
half, having bought them based on comments here. What was
terrible about the comics was Collin's totally unimaginative
use of the panels themselves to elevate the stories. His
comics were essentially short stories turned into comics in
the most workaday manner possible. The stories weren't that
good to begin with, either. To me that shows a profound
disrespect for the genre, and more importantly, for the
reader. I am so angry at those crappy books, I won't look at
his other stuff, under the assumption that he shows the same
level of professionalism in all genres.
-- Stewart Wilson Toronto, ON
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