----- Original Message ----- From: "wvr" <
> Hey Mr. Guthrie,
> Would you mind briefly explaining how you 'went
> that particular learning exercise in a big
Briefly, I read everything on the craft of writing I could
lay my hands on, paying particular attention to advice from
editors, and any authors I admired.
> I'm just curious what you did that helped you
> what is apparently a pretty great novel.
I wish.
> While I'm bugging you could you clear up something
> me? Is 'Kiss Her Goodbye' written by you? Is it
> Way Split' under another title or another
> altogether?
"Kiss Her Goodbye" is my second novel and will be published
in the first half of next year by Hard Case Crime. Very
different from "Two-Way Split".
> I hope you don't take
> offense at any of these questions, I'm just trying
> clear up my TBR pile.
> Thanks for your time
My pleasure, Will. Thanks for asking.
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