RARA-AVIS: Re: RARA-AVIS Digest V6 #155

From: Marianne Macdonald ( marianne.macdonald@lineone.net)
Date: 19 May 2004

On Wednesday, May 19, 2004, at 08:00 am, RARA-AVIS Digest wrote:

> Ah, well. Thanks for the discussion, Jim. As usual, we disagree and
> I fear
> we're now (if indeed we haven't always been) boring everyone senseless.

Nonsense, Al: I love it when you two get going. In fact, I always save it all in "Drafts" to reconsider on white, insomniac nights.

As for the quote from Mr T's book, Blancnoirism, I've known some university departments where it would get him a Full Professorship just like THAT.

Marianne Macdonald

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