Jim wrote:
"I was wrong to apply it to two well-made movies, both of
which I enjoyed, and continue to enjoy, but I was trying to
draw a distinction between these films and more overtly
masculine films like, say, THE KILLERS or THE ASPHALT JUNGLE
. . ."
Are you calling Dana Andrews a wimp just because he fell in
love with a woman he knew only through a painitng?
I did get that you were being tongue in cheek with the chick
flick comment, but since I reserve that term for movies I
would only see under protest and never admit liking (even on
the very rare occasion I do), I had trouble thinking of Laura
or Spiral Staircase in that light (or should it be in that
dark?). I can't imagine Julia Roberts or Meg Ryan in either
of them (although wasn't the latter remade with Nicole
Sheridan? I haven't seen it, sounded dreadful, and not in a
good way).
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