RARA-AVIS: Mike Hammer's strength and heroism

From: Bludis Jack ( buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 16 May 2004

Doug Bassett said:

<<<I don't think Chandler or Hammett are noir writers. They're pretty much the antithesis of it, in fact, no matter how much dark and forboding atmosphere you spot. You're on somewhat stronger ground with Spillane, although Hammer's essential strength and heroism doesn't qualify him, IMHO.>>>

Hammer, strength and heroism?

I'll buy strength.

Heroism? I can't agree. Mike Hammer is a thug.

Jack Bludis

===== Now: "The Big Switch," and "The Deal Killer" Coming this summer: "Shadow of the Dahlia" http://jackbludis.com/

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