"Dave" <
davezelt@comcast.net> wrot:
<< I don't think it's that unlikely if you're hit hard
enough - of course, the guy hitting you has a good shot of
breaking his hand. One time, personally, while I didn't go
out, I did see stars ...
Not really wanting to turn this into a discussion of
"Let me tell you when I was knocked out..."
The closest I've come to being knocked out is when I was hit
in the head with a golf ball. I saw flashing lights and
everything did go black for about a second and a half. I
remained upright. Heck of a headache. Five years later I've
still got a small knot on my head. (Maybe that's why my young
sons have turned out to be knot heads...)
-Duane Spurlock Proprietor The Pulp Rack http://www.pulprack.com
Recent postings to The Pulp Rack: a brief biography and
bibliography for prolific pulp fictioneer and world traveler
James Dwyer. http://pulprack.com/arch/000171.html#000171
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