Steve Wynn is a rock musician who is most well-known as as
the leader of the Dream Syndicate in the 1980s, but who is
still active today. From a piece on him in today's Wall
Street Journal, writer Luke Torn says:
"On each of his past three albums though, Mr. Wynn's
songwriting has taken a hardboiled turn, influenced by
novelists like Jim Thompson, James Ellroy and his friend
George Pelecanos as much as by like-minded songwriters like
Tom Waits or Warren Zevon.
" ' Integrating that whole hardboiled Ranymond Chandler,
James Cain, Ross Macdonald thing into rock music, which is
something Zevon did really well, is not what many writers
do,' opines Mr. Wynn. 'That kind of language and sensibility
works so well for lyric writing because it's short and terse
and conversational, and mythical, too. That hardboiled stuff
was so real that it was unreal.' "
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