Chris wrote: Perhaps some Paul Bowles? He uses North African
settings, and he certainly does have a gift for the
grueseome. One of the three novels in the Library of America
collection -- "The Sheltering Sky," "Let It Come Down," "The
Spider's House" -- would be my suggestion.
*************** Interesting that you would mention him. I had
never heard of him but saw the Library of America collection
at a bookstore in Annapolis and spent some time looking
through it. Perhaps it was just ill luck of the draw, but the
section I opened to and read didn't convince me that I would
like it. A character tells a story about a girl that walks
down the street every day about the same time with her mother
and a guy sits at a bar and watches for her. Bowles's style
seemed to include a lot of rumination and side-stories.
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