Mario wrote:
>The phenomenon and the type do exist... it's not the
>to sign a book for a real fan than to use your hand
to add
>value to the holdings of a slithery bottom feeder.
But how
>can you tell the real fan from the s. b.
Well, when they want it signed but not personalized. When the
book appears obviously unread and pristine, gleaming in a
mylar book condom. When there are multiple copies of the same
book. When the person requesting a signature reeks of Brodart
>The irony here is that Block is a collector of stuff,
>It takes one...
Exactly. Which is why I think Block's gripe is with the
bottom feeders, not the real fans.
I don't even think of myself as a collector, more like just a
guy who hates to get rid of books he loved -- or may love
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