Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Block's Writer's Block

From: Mario Taboada (
Date: 30 Apr 2004

Kevin said:

<<The guy's obviously not against promoting himself -- he's

against the "collectors" who take advantage of his generosity. Which is fine with me. An unread book is like an art-fuck.>>

The phenomenon and the type do exist... it's not the same to sign a book for a real fan than to use your hand to add value to the holdings of a slithery bottom feeder. But how can you tell the real fan from the s. b. f.? Surely not by looks. And some real fans do carry boxes. They are unreasonable and probably fetishist... but what else is a signed book but a bibliophile's totem? I am not sure what it signifies (I have no interest in people's signatures and dedications).

The irony here is that Block is a collector of stuff, too. It takes one...



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