Re: RARA-AVIS: Best Nathan Heller?

From: Jim Beaver (
Date: 29 Apr 2004

Craig wrote:

> My favorites in the Heller series were _True Crime_ and
> _True Detective_, both of which dealt with gangsters in
> Chicago and both of which also had real-life crimes that
> were solved (I forget exactly which ones now, but I know
> Al Capone, Dillinger, etc., played roles in these books
> and one concerned the assassination of President McKinley
> by Antonin Cermak?).

Cermak was not an assassin, but rather the mayor of Chicago. In an attempt to kill Franklin Roosevelt, an Italian immigrant named Guiseppe Zangara fired five shots at the president, missing him but killing Cermak. There were rumors at the time that Zangara was working for Capone and actually intended to kill Cermak, but these have been pretty thoroughly discredited, and Zangara appears to have been a solo act and a mental case. The story was used for the pilot episode of "The Untouchables" series.

Jim Beaver

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