Re: RARA-AVIS: Recent purchases

From: Terrill Lankford (
Date: 23 Apr 2004


Scott's first book is THE ICE HARVEST. That's the one that's currently being filmed. THE WALKAWAY was Scott's second book - both a sequel and a prequel to THE ICE HARVEST.


On Apr 22, 2004, at 6:57 PM, William Denton wrote:

> ,
> Scott Phillips, COTTONWOOD (2004). The word is out that his first
> book,
> THE WALKAWAY (2002) is going to be made into a movie, directed by
> Harold
> Ramis (!) and starring John Cusack. But Cusack wants to change the
> ending. If you've read it, you'll know how stupid that is.
> Bill
> --
> William Denton : Toronto, Canada : : Caveat
> lector.

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