RARA-AVIS: New Reviews

From: Kerry J. Schooley ( gsp.schoo@murderoutthere.com)
Date: 21 Apr 2004

Thirty years ago Roland S. Jefferson self-published his cult-classic "The School on 103rd Street", then went on to even greater success when the book was picked up by Holloway House.

He's done it again with "Damaged Goods", now out in a limited run from Milligan Books. The political thriller has also been scheduled for national release next year by ATRIA, an imprint of Simon and Schuster. Vern Smith provides a review at http://www.murderoutthere.com.

Also, Kerry J. Schooley reviews Scott Phillips third novel "Cottonwood".

------------------------------------------------------ Literary events Calendar (South Ont.) http://www.lit-electric.com The evil men do lives after them http://www.murderoutthere.com

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