Re: RARA-AVIS: Themes of the Month

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 15 Apr 2004

Kent wrote:

"Getting back to that box, I found two books by authors on Bill's list: Doug Swanson's Dreamboat (Texas) and The Desert Look by Bernard Schopen
(Reno, Nevada)."

Although I don't recall many specifics about them, I do remember really liking the two books I read by Schopen. I'm a sucker for dark, depressed PIs. Of course, I mentioned that these books were very dark to someone else who had read him and she replied that she had thought it was exaggerated for humor.

"In the same box was a Countryman Press reprint of Russell James' Payback, which I did rescue after reading that it is out-of-print and will be reissued by Point Blank."

Good move -- good book, as are all of his. This one, about a hard boy who comes home to find out what happened to his brother, seems to be his homage to Get Carter, down to naming his protagonist Floyd Carter. Although the starting point may be similar, the book is its own from there on.


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