RE: RARA-AVIS: None dare call it...mediocrity: Beaver

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 14 Apr 2004

From: Jim Beaver
> Clearly some vast right- and/or left-wing conspiracy is attempting to keep
> any mention of his works out of the records.

Why is it always the left or the right that gets blamed for these things? Hasn't anyone ever heard of the vast middle-of-the-road conspiracy?

--The vast centrist conspiracy is too obvious to comment upon. Among its products: McDonald's "shakes," AMERICAN IDOL, novels attributed to cats.

Meanwhile, I randomly picked up a 1974 issue of ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S MYSTERY MAGAZINE last night, and read the Clark Howard story...yet to get to the Lawrence Block, the Stephen Wasylyk, the James Holding, et al. Really, as more constant readers have told us, at that point, just before the purchase by Davis Publications to be the junior partner to EQMM, it may well've been the best it ever was, and the best CF magazine around.


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