RARA-AVIS: HILL GIRL and Williams's death

From: Michael Robison ( miker_zspider@yahoo.com)
Date: 12 Apr 2004

Jim Beaver wrote: I don't know the book, but it's hard for me to think of there being a hilly enough section of Texas for anyone from there to be called a Hill Girl--even in the Hill Country.

***************** I read RIVER GIRL a couple years ago, and I got the idea it was around Tennessee or maybe Georgia. My guess would be that HILL GIRL is set close by. I would also mention that RIVER GIRL is a very good book. HOTSPOT (?) was good but not as good as RIVER GIRL. I have been wanting to get HILL GIRL for quite a while.

Incidentally, has anybody heard about a Charles Williams biography? I'm positive that I saw some comment here about somebody writing one. Call me morbid, but I'm intrigued by the details of his death.
 A common rumor had it that he took his boat out into the ocean and jumped in and swam away, but a French web site (the French had a real appreciation for Williams) said that was what was written on a suicide note to his publisher, but that he actually killed himself in his apartment.


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