RE: RARA-AVIS: Waltz into Darkness: Ty

From: Todd Mason (
Date: 01 Apr 2004

From: Andrew Albert J. Ty Now, I can't be certain about this (because the cover isn't on this site), but if I recall correctly, the edition of Waltz... I read before was the Penguin mass market paperback with a cover similar to the one of I Married a Dead Man here: .

If the Penguin editions were published in the 1990s, am I correct in assuming that the version of Waltz... I read before is indeed this same unabridged novel?

--Should be, I say w/o knowing the Penguin program, inasmuch as the Ballantine series was issued in the '80s. I picked 'em all up, I their matching black covers. TM

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