Re: RARA-AVIS: Pelecanos i/v and such, on today's radio in the US.

From: JT Lindroos (
Date: 26 Mar 2004

>>George Pelecanos (as an example of a Cauc writer dealing, in the case of
the book under discussion, with an African-Am character) and a review of DOGVILLE the movie are featured on today's FRESH AIR, the NPR chat show. Pelecanos, like the FREAKS AND GEEKS production personnel, has probably been played on the network before, but I'm not yet sure of that.<<

It was a repeat from the time of the release of KING SUCKERMAN (conducted by your fave interviewer) - but worth a listen if you hadn't heard it before. Mentions Gordon Van G. as finding his first book in the slushpile at St. Martin's.

Given the subject, any African American crime novels/authors unavailable currently in the US that you think should be? I remember a novel by Jay Caldwell(??) called "Me an 'Ou" (something like that) Arnold Hano mentions in the interview included in THE BIG BOOK OF NOIR that sounded really interesting, but have never seen the book and probably impossible to locate the copyright owners. I'd be in a position to reprint some good titles through a new imprint that will include Al Guthrie's novel TWO-WAY SPLIT, work by Jim Sallis, Ed Gorman, James McKimmey, Dennis Lynds/Michael Collins
(Dan Fortune, others)....


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