George Pelecanos did a reading here in Toronto tonight. He
and Peter Robinson (of Inspector Banks fame) each did about
half an hour as part of the Harbourfront Reading Series (run
by same people who do the International Festival of Authors
each fall, which you might know).
He read two scenes from HARD REVOLUTION, one where Derek
Strange goes to a house party and runs into a woman he knows,
and another where Strange is working as a policeman on the
streets during the 1968 riots in Washington. It was nice to
hear the words in his voice, to hear where he puts the pauses
and how things are phrased.
Afterwards he was signing, and I said hello. He said he
wasn't sure if he'd be coming back here for Bouchercon, since
he'd be busy with the TV show "The Wire." But he does check
in on the archives every month to catch up on what we're
talking about, even "the bad things they say about me."
-- William Denton : Toronto, Canada : : Caveat lector.
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