I wrote: The whole of the essay is personal emotional baggage
poorly disguised as literary commentary.
Mark responded <snipped>: You say that like it's a bad
thing. I'm becoming more and more convinced that criticism is
really just the rationalization of gut responses.
*************** Haha! Quit teasing me! Of course, your point
is well taken. I agree with you that our thoughts are colored
by our emotions. And it's possible that emotions are a
personal thing and solely subjective, but I don't buy that.
My vote goes for a consensus of the quality and aesthetic of
the emotion. A child throwing a temper tantrum because his
immature and selfish needs have not been catered to is one
thing. The mother crying for this child when it gets run over
by a bus is another.
There is no question in my mind as to which side of the fence
Chandler was playing on when he wrote "The Simple Art of
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