RARA-AVIS: noir once and for all

From: Lehane, Con [NEA] ( CLehane@nea.org)
Date: 26 Feb 2004

RE: But jeez, we're trying to settle this noir definition thing for all eternity now. It's gone way beyond our little circle. You'd be surprised how often I'm asked in bookstores for a definition of noir.

Then just tell them that it's a crime story with a dark and sinister atmosphere. Period.

Or, if you can't abide that definition, then tell them whatever YOU think the definition is.

What's the big deal? If someone asks you a question, answer it, in or out of a bookstore.

I always answer, "I don't know what noir is," or sometimes, "I was wondering that myself."

It was a pleasure meeting Jim Doherty, however briefly, at LCC. I can assure you he, along with Eddie Muller and Woody Haut, held the noir and hard-boiled banner--or is it banners?---high throughout the conference.

best, Con Lehane once more, please excuse the disclaimer
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