> Mark wrote:
> > From a US point of view
> Does this mean that US ears and eyes are more
sensitive than the ears
> and eyes of Europeans? Only joking, of course, but
what's the difference
> between our - errr --- homosexuals (?) and
> I have a suggestion for il Capo (Bill Denton): once
a month (the 1.) you
> present to your list-eners a really difficult
question regarding HB
> literature, like how many names has Westlake used as
a writer? (Just to
> give an example.) The list-ener who comes up with
the correct answer,
> gets to write a post on rara-avis with no objections
from other avians.
"Faggot" is a loaded term here in the States. So is "homo."
They were both used in years past in a highly derogatory
towards homosexuals, and frequently accompanied beatings
given by homophobics to homosexuals simply because they were
"different," "unmanly," choose whichever pejorative
description you wish.
I'm not a homosexual. I have family members and very good
friends who are, and I don't like hearing people called
derogatory names based on something that's a personal and
private choice/orientation/whatever it's being called these
days. I don't like "faggot" for the same reason that I don't
like hearing "Euro-trash," "Frog," "nigger," "kike," "spic,"
"wop," "dago,"
"gook," "slant," "flip," "sand nigger" or "pollack." I'm of
Anglo-Irish descent, but if you want me to respect you, you'd
probably better not call me a "mick" unless you know
Just as I wouldn't go to to a European email list and
purposely use language there which was certain to offend
(like mentioning that the mothers of all Spaniards are
"putas," for example), I didn't think you were intending to
offend with your use of the above words. Bear in mind,
though, that I would only need to be told *once* that these
were offensive words before I would drop the whole thing,
because it's just good manners to do so.
All the Best-
Brian Thornton
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