Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Hansen & Glosvik

From: Geir Glosvik (
Date: 21 Feb 2004

Brian wrote:

> I think it's important to point out that English *is* Geir's second
> language, and perhaps the "f" word isn't as loaded in his experience
as it
> is in North America? I went ahead and cut him some slack

Thank you, Brian. I didn't even think about it till I read your post. I have close friends who are homos (is that better?), and they don't care at all what you call them as long as you respect them. I do.

> And now back to the discussion of the relative merits of the work of
> Hansen...

Well - that was actually my point. I did not intend to start some sex discussion on this honorable list.

Regards, Geir

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