Re: RARA-AVIS: Stephen Hunter's BLACK LIGHT

From: Michael Robison (
Date: 31 Jan 2004

Ed Lynskey wrote:
> IIRC, Mr. Hunter's books have been mentioned by rara-avians.
> I've meaning to read one of his titles and picked up BLACK
> LIGHT. The action and pace made for an awesome read. But the
> author also uses the almost 400 pages to full effect with
> multiple viewpoints, character development, atmospheric setting
> (Ozark style), and a visceral prose style. If there was any
> bloat or padding, then I missed it. I'll look for his other
> titles in the "Earl Swagger trilogy."

********************** I read a couple of his and liked them both. One of them was DIRTY WHITE BOYS and I can't remember the other one. Hunter has got a good sense of humor in choosing his content, and I like the way he balances out all the other elements. His work isn't overly melodramatic.


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