RARA-AVIS: Roscoes and Edward Margolies

From: Michael Robison ( miker_zspider@yahoo.com)
Date: 23 Jan 2004

JIM DOHERTY wrote: I think you might be recalling the FIRESIGN THEATRE's skit "Nick Danger, Third Eye." It's a spoof of all the old radio PI shows.

************ Thanks, Jim! That's it. Been a few years.

Shifting gears, what is Edward Margolies WHICH WAY DID HE GO? about? Sallis mentions some comments about Himes from it, and I see the book listed at Amazon, but I'm not sure if it is a book of essays about just Himes, or a more generic book of literary essays about several authors or...?

Also, there isn't an English translation of Garnier's book on Goodis, is there? Can't find one.

Thanks, miker

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