Where I teach, reading (or writing) "genre fiction" is
admitting you are subhuman and pathetic, a gooey, stinky
obstacle on the sidewalk to walk around. But, you know, we
must be strong, and so we will walk around you after
On the other hand, maybe it's personal.
Maybe I'm "subhuman and pathetic, a gooey, stinky obstacle on
the sidewalk to walk around. But, you know, we must be
strong, and so we will walk around you after all."
I have been a pariah here for years.
And while I have a moment, please let thank the rara-avians
who have helped me locate Hammett & Chandler sources for
my California Literature classes.
Frederick Zackel
BTW: Research at the University of Chicago has shown that
extroverted lab rats live longer than politically correct
ones. In Australia and New Zealand they sell maps of the
world with the south pole on top.
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