RARA-AVIS: writings by Hammett & Chandler

From: Frederick Zackel ( fzackel@wcnet.org)
Date: 05 Jan 2004

Greetings in the new year.

I'm teaching California Literature this semester -- not bad; this is Ohio -- and I am teaching Maltese Falcon & Big Sleep. Does anyone have websites
(links?) to essays that either rara-avis writer actually wrote?

I remember, for instance, Hammett's introduction / preface to the Falcon popped up. And once upon a time Cal Berkeley offered an online essay of his on "Writing Style". Can anybody point me in the right direction?

And is there an online site for "The Simple Art of Murder"?

Happy New Year to you all!

Frederick Zackel

"When there has been a long season of quiet, people are slow to wet their hands in blood; but once blood is spilled, cutting and shooting come easy."
~ Mark Twain, Roughing It.

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