-----Original Message----- From: Michael Robison <
miker_zspider@yahoo.com> Sent: Nov 30, 2003 8:52 AM
rara-avis@icomm.ca Subject: RARA-AVIS: More HB/Noir SF
(cont) George R.R. Martin's entered into the mega-series
battle with Robert Jordan and Terry Goodkind with a fairly
hardboiled/noir theme. The third in his series went mass
market paperback a few months ago. STORM OF SWORDS or
something like that. I read thousands of pages of Robert
Jordan, and even a couple books beyond where I enjoyed it. I
believe I was under some fantastical notion that the series
must be nearing an end and it was worth seeing it through.
Terry Goodkind's WIZARD'S FIRST RULE was a lot of fun, but a
couple later I dropped him. I've read two of Martin's entries
and I've sat at the bookstore reading into the third one.
I'll pick it up soon. Martin definitely has a more hardboiled
and noir atmosphere than Jordan and Goodkind.
I remember enjoying Martin's novella, SANDKINGS, a great deal
20 some years ago. If you haven't read that one yet, check it
out. I recall it feeling like a very nasty HB/noir written
sometime in the distant future.
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