Jesse wrote: As for Homer and the Iliad, its a mistake to
judge it based on modern storytelling techniques, I think it
works extremely well on its own. Its one of my favorite
************ I guess that forming an opinion of it before I'm
through is premature, but something I can't help doing. I've
been reading mythology and myth-related literature for about
6 months now, and I'm making an effort to appreciate it all
within context. I even did some background work on the
mythology of the Trojan War which is left out of Homer's
ILIAD. But consider the parts of THE ILIAD that I've read.
The book starts with Agememnon and Achilles having a
whine-fest about returning women that they've gotten as
spoils of war. Then a big showdown is set between Menelaus
and Paris over another stolen babe, Helen. This is purported
to be the big wrestling match that will settle the Trojan
War, and it ends inconclusively when Paris is spirited away
by a goddess, and nothing more comes of it.
From what little history I've read I know that Homer's ILIAD
was a cornerstone of Greek education. I guess I expected a
noble story of brave deeds and maybe a few stuffy platitudes
about honor. But bravery and skill doesn't seem to weigh very
heavy. A god tells a character to kick some butt and he goes
for it. The motivations of Achilles and Paris and Hector and
Agememnon seem petty and sniveling, and they appear to be
mostly just pawns to the gods. I understand the Greek
emphasis placed on the god's influence but I thought THE
ILIAD was more about human heroes.
I'll read more.
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