>> I just got mail from Crippen and Landru with
several new offerings from
them. I've got a couple C&L books, and they are both
beautiful. Nice covers and bindings, high-quality paper and
big sharp print.<<
They are, and much nicer than our titles.
>>I notice that you did the cover for LUCKY, DIP,
Juha. Great job! Did you
paint it or are you a Photoshop master? And I just noticed
that you did the cover for PROBLEMS SOLVED, a collection of
old Pronzini and Malzberg stories.<<
I do PhotoShop stuff, but I wish I could paint like some
C&L cover artists. Carol Heyer does absolutely stunning
work for them -- classic paintings that evoke just the right
mood and run from lighthearted to darker pulp-influenced
covers. Really neat stuff.
>>And hey, JT, you better be answering your email!
I'm trying to order
Willeford and Fairbairn from you. ;-)<<
Hmmmm... I've sent at least two replies to you in two
different email boxes, hope they made it to you. Just got a
batch of BROTHER SPRINGER in and will be shipping copies
Cheers! --JT.
-- JT Lindroos Wit's End Publishing www.sendwit.com
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