I sent this much earlier, but it seems to have bounced. So
I'm trying it again.
My wife and I got in from the Bouchercon last night. It was
nice to meet a couple of the rara-avians who attended, and I
was impressed with some of the items in the dealers' room
even if I couldn't afford them.
One thing I liked getting a look at was the movie script that
Jonathan Latimer wrote for RED HARVEST. Even Bill Nolan,
who's finishing up his third book on Hammett, didn't know the
script existed. (As an aside here, Nolan, Joe Gores, and
Steve Mertz did a very entertaining panel on Hammett and
Chandler.) The script was a little bit more than I could
afford (around
$4500), was was the original Willeford manuscript offered by
the same dealer
(for over $9000). The beautiful first of FAREWELL, MY LOVELY
was less pricey but still way out of my range.
Bill Crider
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