From: Michael Robison [mailto:]: A lot of people, including some
close to the genre, have an expanded idea of pulp that
encompasses a style more than a time period and cheap
--Well, there's something to be said for formulations such as
"neo-pulp", but not for the kind of ignorance, however
celebratory of its infra-dig status, that the likes of Terry
Gross or Quentin Tarantino display.
There's a
"pulp" collection (MAMMOTH BOOK OF PULP FICTION?) that
contains fiction written long after the end of WWII.
--Indeed, and making the argument, even if only implicitly
(though I think explicitly, don't have it here to check) that
the likes of MANHUNT and other post-pulp hb were often in a
"neo-pulp" mode.
But heck with trivial stuff like that. I just ordered a book
called DIME DETECTIVES by a guy named Goulart. That should be
the real thing! Hope it's good. Any comments on it?
--Haven't read it, but I've been a fan of Ron Goulart for
decades, and he knows from pulp. TM
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