RARA-AVIS: Real Pulp

From: Michael Robison ( miker_zspider@yahoo.com)
Date: 10 Oct 2003

Todd Mason wrote: Of course, Ms. Meaker (can/should we call you MJ?) can tell you about her own interview on this show, notably her gentle correction of host Terry Gross's misuse of
"pulp fiction" that had no subsequent effect on Gross, et al.'s, continuing misuse of the term in publicizing the interview and referring to the Packer and other GMs...

*********** A lot of people, including some close to the genre, have an expanded idea of pulp that encompasses a style more than a time period and cheap paper. There's a
"pulp" collection (MAMMOTH BOOK OF PULP FICTION?) that contains fiction written long after the end of WWII.

But heck with trivial stuff like that. I just ordered a book called DIME DETECTIVES by a guy named Goulart. That should be the real thing! Hope it's good. Any comments on it?


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