Re: RARA-AVIS: Crider and Bogart

From: Bill Crider (
Date: 06 Oct 2003

Well, Gary, you'll be sorry you asked. First comes the publishing story. As it happens I have two books out in hardcover this month. One is Red, White, and Blue Murder, which is a Sheriff Rhodes mystery, and the other is We'll Always Have Murder, which is the one with Bogart. It's not good to have to hardcovers out at once, but St. Martin's originally scheduled the Rhodes book for April, then pushed it to October for some reason. Probably because it's set on July 4th. The Bogart book was supposed to be a paperback, but the editor decided to put in in hardback first.

So much for the publishing background. Here's the rest of the story. The people at iBooks got the permission of the Bogart heirs to use him as a character (not that they needed it; anybody can use Bogart as a character). I was asked to write a book in which Bogart was the detective. But I didn't, exactly. Being a long-time fan of p.i. books, I wanted to write a first-person private-eye novel set in L.A. and Hollywood in the late 1940s, so I did. Bogart plays the sidekick role. He's on stage a lot, but not all the time. The book might not be hardboiled enough for this list, but it was sure fun for me to write.

Sorry for running on about the books, folks. Usually I keep quiet about that stuff. So remember: It's all Gary's fault.

Bill Crider

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