Re: RARA-AVIS: Doherty's Book [Was "Nice to be back"]

Date: 04 Oct 2003


Re your message below:

> Jim, I was going to say that it looks like you sent
> in a ringer, but now that I see you're packing heat
> (and attending writer's conferences) I'll skip that.

If I didn't know that Geir wasn't a ringer, I'd've been suspicious myself.
> How about some details on your book? Who's
> publishing? What's it about? Fiction or non-fiction?

It's called JUST THE FACTS, and it's a collection of previously published true-crime articles (MOSTLY previously published; about a quarter to a third of the book is new material). It's being published by Deadly Serious Press, the outfit operated by our own Kate "ClueLass" Derie. The plan right now is to debut it at Left Coast Crime in February.

I've already gotten cover blurbs from Al Collins and Barb D'Amato, and Ann Rule and Joseph Wambaugh have both agreed to take a look at the ARC to see if they'd be willing to offer a comment, too.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


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