William Denton wrote: I didn't see anything about the Gold
Medal books under the Vin Packer pseudonym, though that I
would have loved to know about that when I read DINKY HOCKER
SHOOTS SMACK. Perhaps teens these days are more delicate.
There are pictures and even sound clips, so we can all
imagine what she looks like and how she talks when she sends
some mail to the list. Welcome, Ms. Meaker!
************** I had a hard time believing that Ms Meaker
could have the audacity to break into the young adult market
with a title about shooting up heroin, but she did it in
style and became even better known for her M.E. Kerr novels
than her Gold Medals.
My 15-year-old daughter just finished a book called SMACK by
Melvin Burgess, and she's wanting to ask Ms Meaker about her
young adult books.
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