RARA-AVIS: VV on Kirino's OUT

From: Mark Hall ( markhall@gol.com)
Date: 18 Sep 2003

Natsuo Kirino's Out is truly a universal tale, meaning a truly multiculturally applicable novel, meaning one that will be understood anywhere in the world where there are loan sharks, illegal casinos, and middle-aged working-class women toiling like galley slaves on the night shift in grueling dead-end assembly-line jobs. In this case the gig is packing prefab food into lunch boxes from midnight to 6 a.m. only to return home to abusive, cheating husbands who blithely relate how they've gambled away the family savings before punching wifey in the gut, or docile deadbeats who run off with all her pay, or dour, self-absorbed types disinterested in everything about the little woman揺er mind, pussy, problems耀ave her penchant for putting dinner on the table like clockwork. This doesn't begin to describe the all-around appeal of various children (and in one case an infantile mother-in-law) who are either young and needy, 'ho-ing and greedy, or expert in the use of sile! nce as a passive-aggressive weapon. None more so than the son who, in the first words his mother has heard from him in years, nearly sells her out to the police, then cries out "Thanks for nothing, bitch," when she informs she might be leaving the family.

rest at


Mark Hall markhall@gol.com

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