Re: RARA-AVIS: Got Milk?

Date: 13 Sep 2003

On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 06:25:03PM -0700, Kevin Burton Smith wrote:

> Not that I know of. You're probably thinking of Geoffrey Homes'
> HUMPHREY CAMPBELL, another milk-drinking eye, who appeared in NO
> HANDS ON THE CLOCK (1941, Paramount) and CRIME BY NIGHT (1944, Warner
> Brothers), as well as five novels. If you actually saw these films,
> you're one (or two) up on me.
> We get the Mystery Channel, but all they show are Mike Hammer reruns,
> mostly (and NOBODY'S THAT BIG a Stacey Keach fan). Maybe one day the
> Campbell flicks will show up on Turner Movies or something.

I have not read the novel it's based on so I can't say how it compares, but I have seen Crime By Night. It was on TCM a month or so ago and I recorded it onto my Tivo. It was better than I expected. Murder among the well-to-do in a small town (with a corrupt sheriff) and investigated by a PI who can take a punch, and often does.

One of my favorite character actors, Jerome Cowan, plays the rather sleazy PI. Jane Wyman is his assistant and gets star billing. It would have been better without her.

It has the bloodiest murder scene I've ever seen in a movie from that era, and a fair number of fist fights and beatings.

I don't recall the PI drinking milk, however. Oh well, can't have everything.

Mark McGlone

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