on 9/10/03 3:18 PM, Mark Sullivan at
DJ-Anonyme@webtv.net wrote:
> White refers to a cop's riot gun.
> What is this? I thought it was a pump action
shotgun, but it shoots
> bullets not buckshot. If this is the case, did cops
really shoot
> bullets into crowds of rioters as late as the 1950s
(seems to me there
> would have been a lot more death in the civil rights
movement if they
> did), or did it just retain the name from an earlier
Ah, sounds to me like the author screwed up. A riot gun is
indeed a shotgun, and while there are 'deer slugs', the cops
would load buckshot into theirs. You're right, if they were
firing rifles (like the AR-15 they sometimes now carry), the
death toll would be much greater.
Rarely used, now days, btw, what with more enlightened
attitudes towards the use of deadly force.
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