RARA-AVIS: Ross Thomas

From: William Denton ( buff@pobox.com)
Date: 04 Sep 2003

I've just started reading THE FOOLS IN TOWN ARE ON OUR SIDE (1970) by Ross Thomas. There's a big, expensive new trade paperback edition out. Thomas is well-regarded on the list, and I looked through the archives and found a number of mentions:

Mr. Moore during Washington month: http://www.miskatonic.org/rara-avis/archives/200112/0216.html

Some people mentioned this ATLANTIC article: http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/96nov/hiss/hiss.htm

Lots of talk about CHINAMAN'S CHANCE when it was a book of the month: http://www.miskatonic.org/rara-avis/archives/200008/

No-one ever mentioned meeting Thomas, though, and it's always interesting to hear what a writer was like. Did any of you know him or meet him? What sort of a gee was he?


William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.miskatonic.org/ : Caveat lector.

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