Todd Mason wrote:
> Meeker seems to have more faulty information about
her floating around
> most not-terribly-obscure living writers, perhaps in
part because of her
> love for compartmentalizing her literary life and
playing with pseuds.
> try to get a good accounting of her novels to agree
with almost any other
> you can find. (I've had sources stating baldly that
she never used "Ann
> Aldrich" on fiction, and others, I believe
correctly, implying or stating
> quite the opposite, for example.)
*************** This is definitiely the case for me. I was
under the impression that she had other novels published
before SPRING FIRE. All the bibliographies I've seen are very
partial. I understand that she wrote 17 Gold Medals for
Fawcett. I'd be happy with just a listing of them. Her
HIGHSMITH book starts about in the middle of her Gold Medal
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