Re: RARA-AVIS: San Francisco bookstores?

Date: 22 Aug 2003

Well, you could use a lot more than an afternoon - where to start? I found several good ones clustered around the corner of 16th and Valencia in the Mission District - not that far from the BART station and the bus routes, but that may be awkward for you -I don't know which bit of town you're going to be starting off in. Every time we visited there on my last visit (nearly all of the 5 or 6 days there), I stumbled across a new place. Dog Eared Books (Valencia, I think) and Aardvark (16th street?) are just two of the names I remember but I just spent the time there staring out of bus windows going, ooh, shall we come back and go there?

There's also a large thriftstore with a very good book section and very good prices. It specialises in raising money I think for gay and lesbian charities so that's probably reflected in donations though they have a little bit of everything.

The San Francisco Mystery Bookstore itself has a large secondhand stock at fairly reasonable prices - it's in Noe Valley a little way up 24th Street, and when I say up, be prepared for hills.... There is a bus if time is an issue.

Nearer to the shopping centre and financial district (I don't know where your other commitments are taking you) is the Friends of the Library shop in San Francisco Public Library.


> I thought I had asked here before about good used bookstores in San Francisco, but I couldn't find them in the archives. Do you guys know of any good ones? I'm heading out there Monday morning and I'll have the afternoon to kill.
> Thanks, miker

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